Saturday, October 4, 2008

Another day in the life of OLD

Today was not unlike any other day. I work from my home, and have a phone on each ear most of the time. I also spend a great deal of time on my computer, completing different tasks. I'm hoping to create an outlet for all of the escorts/pilot car drivers for oversize loads. I welcome pics, comments, ideas, and helpful hints to make this the official blog site for all OLD and for the self-employed pilot cars out there taking on the weather, the road, and the truck driver, in order to provide as much information, breaking news, and content affiliated with the trucking company's we do business with, and the loads that we cover. If you have good or bad information that you want to share, or if you want to just say hello, I welcome the shout out, and will be grateful for constructive criticism. In addition, because I'm not able to run the road anymore, your pics and experiences out there will be so appreciated! I'm planning to provide useful information, as well. For instance, links to various sites for the newcomers, or the folks contemplating this line of work. I used to be running the road - up until I had a back surgery in June of this year. I have been lucky to have the opportunity to stay in the business through assisting with the dispatching of pilot cars. Trust this's not a cup of tea, or a walk in the park.....dispatching is a high stress, and very demanding position to be in. Lots of things to deal with, even after the load is delivered. However, I would also like to add that I rather enjoy talking to people all over the country, and I find that most other dispatchers are very kind, considerate, and helpful. We are all busy, most of the time....if not on the cell/home phone, we're on the computer typing invoices, gathering additional information, and faxing off the bills. I do enjoy it, though....just wanted those of you who don't know what's going on behind the scenes to gain a little insight as to what happens once you're dispatched to a pick up point and time.

By the way, if you hadn't figured it out yet.....OLD stands for Oversize Load Dispatcher. How ironic is that? LOL So, in the coming weeks, I would like to challenge you pilot car drivers, and other dispatchers around the country, to provide me with some good stories, some great jokes, and any other information you may have to fill this blog with the greatest details, lending a helping hand to someone in need counts, as well. Tell me about your day, or your week - where did you go? What was the freight you were hauling? Were there any glitches? What were they? What's your favorite place to go, what types of clothing are needed there, and as an escort, what are your experiences, your growing pains, your fondest memories, etc. Do me a favor as you get ready to log off.....send me a note, tell me how I'm doing, and when you'll be returning home safely. In the mean time...........................have yourself a good one going back the other way!

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